The smell of a puppy is unbeatable. Puppy breath! Puppy kisses! They’re the best!!
We have added a new member to our family — a four-legged member who is currently sleeping at my feet on the couch. There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, cuter than a puppy.
Gaby Griffin is ideal. At least so far! We’ve had her for about 14 hours now. She’s slept for most of that time. Ha — just like a newborn. They are so easy at first!

Wet paws from frolicking in the yard in the early morning dew.
She also ran around the yard, followed Jay and Zack and me everywhere, peed three times in our designated spot, pooped in our bedroom (oops), woke me up twice last night because she was crying in her crate (Jay slept through it all), played with her chew toy a lot, and refused to eat her food.
Zack is happy to hold her toy high and have control of something/someone else. He also likes to tell her to sit and lay down, the latter of which she has not mastered yet.
But she will. Her breed — mini labradoodle — is smart and she will learn fast. She is also friendly. And right at this moment she is having a dream and twitching like only a puppy can do. Wish you could see her in person!
2 Comments. Leave new
Congratulations on your new addition!
She’s darling! And Zack is really good with her! That’s a pleasure to see.