Last Monday, Zack was the King of Chairs at Hope Place, our weekly volunteering gig. Here’s a photo series showing his progression in putting one of many chairs on top of the tables.

Some may think, “Chairs? What’s the big deal?”

Well, let me tell you, it is a big deal!!

It turns out, it’s not easy peasy for Zack to put chairs up on tables–but he conquered the challenge. (Yes, he did it before, but only with a lot of almost hand-over-hand help from me. This time around he was doing it himself–chair after chair after chair.)

Just as it is for the people who live there, Hope Place has become a safe place for Zack and me. The women recognize us now, and go out of their way to say hello. One even looked for him before leaving the cafeteria, so she could say goodbye. Each greeting and thank you is an opportunity to teach Zack how to appropriately respond to people.

No matter how much we accomplish during our two-hour volunteering shift, I know that Zack is gaining real-world opportunities to put into practice all that he is learning through ABA therapy and in school. I am so grateful for this!

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